Stop Gene Drive Bildmarke

Gene Drives are perhaps one of the most dangerous environmental application of genetic engineering ever developed.

Enabled by a new tool for genetic engineering called CRISPR/Cas, sexually reproducing animals and plants can be genetically manipulated in a way as to pass on a new trait to all their offspring – even if this trait proves to be fatal for them. This overrides the natural rules of evolution. This mechanism is then repeated independently in each new generation, resulting in a risky and uncontrollable genetic chain reaction.

Gene Drive Organisms are supposed to replace or even exterminate their conspecifics in nature. Their future release could have unforeseeable and irreversible consequences for ecosystems and food webs. In the worst case, this could lead to further species extinction and the collapse of entire ecosystems, as well as endangering human health and food security.

Save Our Seeds calls for a ban on the environmental release of gene drive organisms in Germany, Europe and worldwide! Help us stop gene drives, by signing our petition.

Recap of SBSTTA 26 – what happened to gene drives?

Assessing the outcome of the SBSTTA 26 in Nairobi with a special focus on gene drives and the way forward to COP16.

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